An employer�s new duty of care to protect mental health at work�

Psychologically healthy/safe workplace practices aim to achieve improvement in seven areas:
  • Effective management
  • Psychological Safety & Protection
  • Communication & Engagement
  • Organizational Culture
  • Workload Management & Worklife balance
  • Job Environment
  • Awards, Recognition & Team Building
Let HR Proactive Inc. help your organization create customized training programs that foster employee well-being and enhance organizational performance.

How psychologically safe is your workplace?

That question is one Canadian employers need to be sure they can answer, according to a recent article in Benefits Canada. �The days of a demanding boss who uses militant-style tactics around the office are over�at least in the eyes of the law,� the article states.

Click here to read more

Let�s move beyond recognition toward deliberate action to create and maintain a
healthy/safe workplace.

Action plan for the workplace

Develop psychologically safe workplace policy, demonstrate commitment


Plan and assess where you are now and where you want to go. Define needs
  • Financial impact (absenteeism, presenteeism)
  • Employee health impact
  • Structural attributes that promote good mental health (Guarding Minds at Work)

Implement programs that address your organizations defined needs

Evaluate program operation and effectiveness

Review, reassess and improve

For consultation, call 1.888.552.1155

Psychologically Safe Workplaces - Healthy Workplaces - Safety in the Workplace - Training Products - Policies - E-learning Program - Nation Standards
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